Fall Quarter, Senior Year (1998)


04 derek,jeff,ryan.jpg (76709 bytes) Oney, Leake, and Huss.  Jeff has his eyes shut, so everything must have been going according to normal.

07 alina,sears,jenny.jpg (109805 bytes) Here's Alina, Sears, and Jenny at the beginning of the night during a party we threw in 402A.

16 group.jpg (102753 bytes) Playing cards:  Tom, Alina, Missy, and Autumn.  Seating room was never prevalent at our place, nor was it a priority when it became crowded.  The name of the game was sheer number of people that could fit.

01.jpg (80670 bytes) Rick and Neal, best of friends.

03.jpg (76176 bytes) Now this is a little unusual:  Morton and Leake on the apartment table simultaneously.  I've no idea what's going on off camera that would prompt that look of astonishment.

19 tom.jpg (76557 bytes) Uh-oh.  Tom's getting giggly.

20 kurt,huss.jpg (63338 bytes) There were many a night a few of us would delay the trip uptown with the rest of the crowd in order to.......well........in order to do whatever the hell we wanted to, really.  Here Huss is demonstrating his physical prowess as Kurt looks on bewiderment.

21 tom,kurt.jpg (94872 bytes) Kurt soon caught on, though, and Tom was never one to disappoint when it came to late-night antics.

22 jeff,ryan.jpg (91338 bytes) Jeff and Ryan.  She took it upon herself to try to show me how to swingdance that night.  I think  she overestimated my abilities........

24 jeff,ryan.jpg (87567 bytes) ........And then just gave up.

17 josh.jpg (91575 bytes) Morton's cousin, Josh, was visiting from Kansas for the weekend.  For some reason he decided to spend the night on the counter, pack of smokes firmly in hand.

A fine speciman of a man.

15 group.jpg (94734 bytes) Crashing that night, anywhere there was a spot.  Jeff's on the recliner, Jake (Tom's buddy from home), Darlene, and Morton's cousin on the floor.

09 tom,jill.jpg (91536 bytes) Jill and Tom, fully dressed in their Halloween costumes.

12 mentorites.jpg (84627 bytes) A thorn with three roses, all Mentor High School graduates, class of '95:  Jeff, Marjie, Becky, and Holly.  Also, once I'm done, all OU grads.

13 halloween.jpg (93849 bytes) Some of these guys I don't know, visitors from out of town.  Missy, Jenny, Cat, and Alina (Raggedy-Ann).  And I know that's my boy Spears standing up in the background.  He was a friend of Alina's from Toledo, cool guy.

14 swimteam.jpg (92082 bytes) And the Miami University Synchronized Swim Team stopped by the apartment.  Probably the best costume I've yet to see here at OU, had a routine and everything.  I have more pictures from this Halloween you can access from the pictures page, or just click here:  Fall Quarter, Senior Year (1998)

10 table.jpg (93319 bytes) And the end of the night, however, tragedy struck.  Our beloved coffee table, a staple for any party involving dancing, took a severe hit.  But........

02.jpg (80306 bytes) ....we brought it back, better than before.  You could park a Volkswagen on that thing today and she'd hold, trust me.  Of course, it came with the apartment so that's where it had to stay once we moved out.  I'll miss that little table.

11 leake,mort.jpg (83521 bytes) Typcial morning after picture:  Jeff with a dumb look on his face and Morton just-not-caring.

18 jeff,nique,ryan.jpg (69963 bytes) Our friend, Dominique, had a party at her place on Foster St.  Jeff and Ryan went there straight from a "cocktail party".