Keeper of the two rings, at least momentarily. Ryan's is on the right, by the way. |
 The obligatory "wedding couple surrounded by adorable children" picture. What? I'm just saying. Anyway, I know those two whippersnappers on either side of the groom/bride: Mibbers and Hanna. |
 Mr. and Mrs. Huss. |
 The groomsmen: Jason, Dan, Ryan, Jeff, and Rick. |
 The reception was held an Shan's folks' place. Quite the setup. Ricky, Jay, and Dan kicking it. |
 Paid party guests. |
 Initially intended as a picture of the happy couple dancing, I instead seemed to have captured a moment of confusion. Get used to it, Shan! Bwahahahaha! |
 Ryan and Jeff. Hmm...that sounds weird. Oh, and Huss, you have permission to smack me next time I'm in a wedding of yours with such unkempt hair. |