Later that night when Dan got the call: time to head down with cars and claim spots for the OSU tailgate the next morning. He takes such good care of us. |
 The name of this card game is eluding me (Shannon would be disappointed). Around the table from closest: Amy, Anthony, Eleanor, Shannon, and Alisson. |
 Later that night, the obligatory cornhole: Brad and Neal. |
 Same team, different side. THE team to watch because you've never heard so much smack-talking. |
 This didn't actually happen that night, but it's a picture of a picture I found entertaining: Jason and Eleanor. |
 The next day, tailgating for the Texas-OSU game (a BIG one they ended up losing). A gorgeous day. |
 And yes, the cornhole was present. It's an obsession with this crowd. |
 Austin and Huss. |