Bielek-Leake North Carolina Trip

June 24-July 3, 2005
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Tim and Kristen. Kristi, I'd expect such things out of TIM.
Once again.
Jeff and Kelly. I think this was the night that Craig and Julie prepared dinner.
The attention always has to be on this guy. Always.
Great controversy arose when U.B. was tapping the hourglass while playing Taboo. We then began to experiment, and found that by swinging the hourglass at the end of my yoyo string, we could get the hourglass to drain in 5 seconds as opposed to the usual 55. FYI: tapping the hourglass does not make it drain faster OR slower. Trust us, we timed it.
Tim, Kristen, Jeff, and Kelly did an Italian themed dinner. JoAnna was sweet enough to cross team boundaries and assist us. I could be wrong, but I believe someone in this picture was caught sampling the goods.
Alas! Proof! Jeff cooking! Look at that technique, that posture.
Our condo the night of our dinner. Wednesday night, I believe.