Brad had brought his laptop, along with a 500W Klipsch speaker system (yes, it still counts as roughing it). Luckily, we were *pretty much* by ourselves in the "party field," because that music was probably going until 3 or 4. |
 D's nuts got passed around into the wee hours. We polished them off later that evening, the bag ceremoniously "burned." |
 Bryan and Celeste. Little did Celeste know the fate that awaited her lantern that night... |
 The latenight crew: Ryan, Maile, Dave, Scott, and Casey. Fuel for the fire was getting scarce at this point, so... |
 Ryan made the selfless sacrifice of his furniture. |
 Dawn patrol: Jeff, Ryan, Maile, and Scott. The three of them went to check out the sunrise while I crashed. While pulling away, Celeste's lantern got run over. So, what to do with its carcass? You guessed it...to the fire! |
 Gino got back up. Before going to bed, I warned him that batteries typically don't respond well to fire, and to look out. Evidently, that didn't keep the explosion from scaring the bejesus out of him, causing him to pour O.J. all over himself. |
 The next morning: all that was left of D's nuts. Incidentally, it has come to our attention that there *might* be health repercussions from eating food from a feed store (FDA, what?). Some people began talking about doing all their shopping there... |