At the Dave Mathews Band in June, Kristen riding shotgun, doing what else but sitting in the car listening to Weezer. Then I looked up and saw this sticker. What concert again? |
 Dave doing his thing at Blossom. |
 The crowd that day/night. |
 We met up with Mendy and Suzanne on the lawn. |
 Drink break: Joe, Kristen, Andrea, and Jeff. Joe was nice enough to drive the four of us down that day. |
 Jeff and Joe. The two of us had a special place in Kristen's apartment in mind for this picture. |
 Mendy and Suzanne packing things up. |
 Dave STILL doing his thing. The guy puts on a good show, but I swear I always end up going at the last minute, as much to visit as watch him. Yes, I suppose I'm one of THOSE people. |