I am sad to report that all parties were on their best behavior at this particular point. |
 Jeff, Monica, and Ryan. I think this was just before some interpretive dancing took place at our table. |
 The Laufs. And yes, the emergency exit in the background is sheer coincidence; it was used that night by neither bride nor groom. |
 (Who used to be) The Radanoff sisters dancing: Jill and Ali. |
 Crystal and Jeff. Of course, we rarely remain idle during her visits, so perhaps it should come as little surprise we were to drive to New Mexico the next day. |
 3/4 of the 402A contingent: Leake, Morton, and Huss. |
 A group of Bobcats: Jeff, Ryan, Jill (a.k.a. Bride), Monica, and Ryan. |
 Kristen and Jill. |