Looking from the boat: Jenn, JoAnna, Mike, Jennifer, and Kristen. |
 Motoring back down the river to dock: a couple of pelicans onshore. |
 A Great Blue Heron gliding along next to us. |
 An egret bumming for food outside the restaurant. The one cook who kind of looks after the bird was telling us how he planned to get some tangled fishing line off its feet by wrapping it in a blanket first to contain it. I looked forward to not being around for that. |
 A heron also looking for some grub. |
 At a nearby nature preserve later in the day: Jeff, JoAnna, Mike, Jenn, Kristen, and Jennifer. |
 Hippo. Evidently, they had planned to move this hippo years ago but he was too big. |
 A resident snake demonstrating impressive balance. |