Darlene, Joel, and Zach uptown at the Pigskin later Saturday night. |
 Autumn and Ursula. Okay, I have no idea what's up with the hand signs in the last couple pictures. I mean, we're in ATHENS, OH, for heaven's sake. |
 Skyler. |
 Here's Darlene with the cowbell we managed to take uptown with us that night, to the delight of all. Passer-byers would invariably yell, you got it, "more cowbell!" |
 Jeremy and Alina. |
 Latenight with a couple of street musicians. After apologizing to the spoonist for imposing with the cowbell (both percussion, you know), they invited me to jam with them. And jam we did. |
 Late latenight, back at the hotel: Jeff, Scott, Katie, and Sara. |