Alright, guys...what was the name given to this Indian dude for the weekend? I forget. Anyway, here he is indulging. |
 Reflecting. |
 Very angry in this picture. A drunken rage, actually. |
 Shoes, from left to right: Ryan's, Matt's, Dan's, Jason's, Jill's, Jason's, Jason's, Andrea's, Kevin's, Jason's, Debbie's....nah, I'm just kidding. I'm not THAT good. |
 Group picture before heading out Sunday (no small task). This is what everyone looks like 1 second before a picture is actually taken. |
 TEN second delay, Leake...not TWO second delay. |
 There we go. Ahem. Top: Brad, Dan, Tim, Katie, Rick, Jason; Middle: Jeff, Matt, Kristen, Julie, Jill, Jason, Jason, Andrea; Bottom: Andrea, Kevin, Kyle, Stacey, Ryan, Shannon, Debbie, and Eleanor. |