I'm not sure a sky gets any better. |
 Going up: Eleanor, Jason, Rick, and Dan. |
 Brad and Dan. Dan and I swapped his skis for my board for a bit. |
 I think one more person could have fit right in the center. |
 Dan dealing up a euchre hand. As his partner, I think some of my tactics (antics?) had him worried....but it all turned out well in the end. |
 Sweetie Pietie. |
 I was mightily impressed by how many people actually had their old OU ID's with them: Shannon, Julie, Dan, Huss, and Leake of old on display. |
 Saturday night: Julie, Andrea, and Stacey (the trip organizer, I might add, for the 2nd - and last? - year in a row). That one on the right...yeah, she may LOOK sweet....but watch out! |