In March Becky, Vito, and Jeff made a trip down to OU for a 3-day weekend. As it happened, it was also sibs weekend. Here MIke, Becky, and Vito are enjoying yet another Thursday Quad Night at the Junction. Mike was kind enough to put the three of us up |
 Jeff, Becky, and Vito. |
 It just so happened that on Friday night there was an ASCE social; the timing couldn't have been better. Here's Nate and Lauren. Nate ended up coming back to OU for his Masters in civil........masochist..... |
 Dr. Steinberg enjoying himself at the social. You can just about always count on him to show up. |
 The social was in the bottom of the Red Brick Tavern (previously known as Wings 'n' Rings). |
 Becky's younger brother, Bill, joined us that night, here seen with his date for the evening and Becky and Vito. |
 Group shot of OU students, alum, and even a couple faculty: Bill, Angela, Vito, Sam (in back), Dr. Steinberg, Jeff (in back), Mike, and Bill's lady-friend....the name is escaping me right now. Anyway, a good group. |
 Late night at Mike's apartment. Becky going in for a landing..... |