And were the guys wrestling around that night?? No, we were quite civil. But the girls were duking it out for a while....... |
 Stacey, Debbie, and Julie doing God knows what.
 This pretty much sums things up. Stacey was being harassed until like 4 in the morning. Good work Jules...... |
 Finally, sleepy time...... |
 On the slopes the next day: Brad and Jeff. G was nice enough to let me borrow his board for the weekend as I tried snowboarding for the first time. I'm a skier at heart.....but I have to admit, it WAS fun..... |
 And the K2 Fatbob, who took good care of me that day ...... |
 Brad on his board with Vineet on my skis in the background. Skier and snowboarder, getting ready to point 'em....... |
 Okay, this was a cursed lift. See those two red lights?? Yeah, those signify satan, and he refused to let us get off without biting it.......over....and over.....and over again........ |