Saturday night of Homecoming 2003 at OU: Eva and Kerri at Pawpurr's, I believe. |
 Hubox, Sears, and Harvey at the Cat's Eye later that night. |
 Sears, Rick, and Leake. |
 Fellow CE grads, class of '01 (don't do the math on that one): Jason and Jeff. |
 Still at the Cat's Eye: Leake, Hubox, and Steele. Josh made the trip back once again from Vail.........I'm sorry I couldn't get out there this year, Hubox. |
 Jeff and Jen. Not sure what I'm up to here.......... |
 Tony doing something.......dunno what, though. |
 Late Saturday night on Court St., ran into Tony, another OU grad from Mentor, OH. I'll just leave it at that............... |