June 2001 - Trip to Outer Banks (Avon, NC)
This is my vision of a lamp and a window.
We headed back to the sound side of the islands a second time to see what we
could find: Nate, Jeff, and Mike wearing the ceremonial doo-rags. We
just didn't want Mike to feel too out-of-place.
Plenty of jellyfish in the water that day. Here's the one that got Mike.
Or maybe it was this one.
I ventured quite a ways out into the sound. At this point the water was
still only knee-high.
We added a new weapon to our arsenal - the clam rake. Here's Mike dredging
the bottom in hopes of finding some. We had minimal success.
Still clamming.
And still going. Unfortunately, this picture got screwed up during
processing, I should have it replaced in the next few days.
Finally, Mike hit the big-time: 1 clam. We would dine like kings
that evening.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, they'd begun a full-fledged bar.
Backgammon was a key theme that week, though Jill couldn't stand the game.
Here Dan and Mike are playing as Robyn, Jill, Paul, and Bill sit around.
Dan make pizzas for us the one night, damn good, too. He made omelettes,
too, the very first morning we were there - much appreciated.
Look how thrilled everyone is to be playing Trivial Pursuit. Everyone
played for a while, then the girls got bored and hit the hay. The game's
addicting, I think. We played it rest of the week as we would do other
things, like Trivial Pursuit and Eating or Trivial Pursuit and Backgammon.
You get the point.
Bill, Nate, and Paul in the kitchen.
Cheez-It is great at parties, or just with a few friends. Everyone loves
Cheez-It. You can use it as dressing, or just enjoy a plain bowl of Cheez-It.
Part of the group: Paul, Robyn, Nate, Jeff, and Bill.
Bill's catch of the week.
At the beach for a fire: Paul, Robyn, Bill, and Nate.
Dan strumming the guitar.
Still by the fire.
Mike and Jill breaking out the champagne.
Nothing says high-class like a doo-rag and a bottle of champagne.