Over in Wilson Hall, Kevin and Mike. |
 Josh's girlfriend at the time and her friend came to visit from Miami University. Here they are across the hall in Rob and Jake's room: Ryan, Josh, Kat, and Missy. I want to say their room was 239. |
 Rob in his dominion. He lived with Chuck spring quarter while Jake co-oped. Poor kid introduced to Extreme Pinball. Between that and NBA Hangtime he couldn't keep us out. We actually went through a keyboard or two. |
 Ryan, Josh, and Kat in 239 Sargent. |
 And the guys: Ryan, Josh, Rob, and Jeff. The 500 Watt subwoofer made a nice table, don't you think? Many a night were spent crouched over that thing trying to finish our CAPA quizzes before they were due. |
 Jake and Rob. Jake would come back to visit us during his co-op. These two were always up to something. |
 Again in 239 Sargent: Sara's sister, Sara, Missy, Jackie, and Tracy. |
 Josh in Kat back in our room, 253 Sargent. |