Mike and Josh, in keeping with the spirit of things. |
 Sara and Morton in 253. |
 Rob, seen here across the hall, always knew how to relax. Here he is propped up against an 18", 500 Watt subwoofer. Standard dormitory issue. He and Jake always had some scheme stewing. |
 Sam. And yes, ladies, he is spoken for. |
 Here's Dave catching some R & R in what would appear not even to be his room. And what is that he's reading? |
 Stephanie, Huss, and Rob in Rob's room across the hall. Steph was another Sargent hall native. |
 And here they are, the happy couple: Tom and Jill, together to this day. Tom lived right above me and I used to serenade the two of them with Madonna late at night (just before he walked her home). |
 Melissa and Jackie enjoying the fruits of Sam's Club. Jackie lived down the hall with Stephanie, and they would never leave us alone. |