Dill-Wigton Reception at Ohio University

October 16, 2004
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Zach and Joel. Yeah, Zach, that's REAL funny. (I'm not sure why, but as I label these I'm in the mood to pick on him.)
Zach and Rachel.*
The Reaganomics played for the reception. They're an 80's cover band out of Columbus; very decent, too. This guy here was just a guest that got up to do a couple songs. He was quite good.
I don't know what's going on here, but I can guarantee you that it's great fun. Alina could be doing one of her dances...that might be it...
Dancing: Kristen, Rachel, Zach, and Darlene.*
Joel and Rachel with a young boy. They actually have one of their own, almost a year old. The first time I met Joel he introduced himself as Skyler; I knew from that point on that we'd get along just fine.
At the reception: Ryan, Jen, Autumn, and Jeff.**
Sara, Jen, Ryan, and Autumn at the reception.